Woman At-Large After Trying to Put Pants on Her Toddler

Chouteau County - A central Montana woman allegedly tried to put pants on her less than two-year-old daughter on Monday morning. The suspect was last seen fleeing the scene wearing slippers and a baseball cap. It appeared she had a book in her hand. 

The suspect is Stacy Bronec, 38, said Sheriff Joe Busybody.

“This offense is considered one of the worst crimes against toddlers. Everyone knows toddlers want to dress themselves,” said Sheriff Busybody. He added, shaking his head, “Isn’t this her third kid?”

Officers arrived on the scene, the victim’s (minor’s name withheld) home, around 7:20 a.m. on Monday. The victim ran around the house in a diaper and t-shirt and appeared to have Oreo crumbs on her face. Several pairs of pants were strewn on the floor, and the lead investigator said, “it was clear there was a struggle.” 

The accused’s husband, and the victim’s father, said, “I guess she just snapped. I know she was in a hurry to get to an appointment. I was on the phone, and I heard yelling. [The victim] was crying and yelling, “No, no! Stop! Cookie?” I came down the hall and saw my wife attempting to put pants on our daughter.” He paused, dropping his head. “I’m sorry, I’m still just processing this. She’s usually a good mom. In her defense, it’s really cold out—there’s snow on the ground. But, I don’t want to excuse her behavior. This is something you hear happening to other people, but never imagine it happening in your own home.”

The call to the Sheriff’s office came in around 6:30 a.m. The suspect’s 5-year-old daughter made the call. “My mom told us that when someone says no, to listen! And [the victim] kept yelling, “No pants! No pants!” But my mom wasn’t listening. So I called 9-1-1. I learned that number at school.” 

The suspect is still at-large but isn’t considered a threat to the community. If you have any leads or clues to her whereabouts, please call the Sheriff’s office immediately. 

“She was really into the book she was reading; maybe she’ll come back when she’s finished,” the suspect’s husband said. 

“We hate to see a family torn apart this way. If only she had let her daughter put her pants on herself, we wouldn’t be here today. Granted, her daughter would probably still be trying to put her pants on, but that’s beside the point,” Busybody said. 

Sheriff Busybody said a full investigation will occur as soon as the suspect is apprehended. Busybody said, “This case is my top priority, and I won’t rest until the suspect is brought in.” The victim and two other children will remain in the custody of their father.

If you know a toddler (or are a toddler) who has been a victim of getting pants put on by a supposed loved one, please call our toll-free hotline (800) I-Said-No.


This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Breaking News." 


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